Answers to Frequently Asked
Questions on Parenting (Part 3)
Drs. Ekram & Mohamed Rida Beshir
Paperback (6x9)
160 Pages
Price: $14.95
This book is the third in a series that contains detailed answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the hot topic of parenting in North America. Because some of these questions have been raised more than once in recent years, we feel that they represent crucial issues of concern occupying the minds of many parents. Making these answers available in a written format would hopefully provide Muslim parents with the proper advice supported by the Qur’an as well as the teachings of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
The methodology used in answering these questions draws heavily on verses of the Qur’an, teachings of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and events in his Seerah, as well as the authors’ wealth of practical experience, gained from their countless parenting counseling sessions over the years, and their knowledge of child psychology.
About the Authors
Dr. Ekram Beshir
- She is a medical doctor by profession, with a background in child psychology.
- She is the founder of both Abraar full time Islamic school and Rahma School, a weekend Arabic and Islamic school, in Ottawa, Canada.
- She is the recipient of the Director’s Citation Award of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board for the year 2000 for her contribution in the area of education from among 7000 employees of the board.
- She has been very active with the Muslim community in Ottawa in the areas of study circles, children and youthcamps, sisters programs, and marriage counseling.
- She has traveled extensively to various parts of the world to present parenting workshops.
Dr. Mohamed Rida Beshir
- He is an engineer by profession, with over 30 years of experience in Da’wa work in North America.
- He has held various positions with MSA and ISNA, MAS on both national and local levels.
- He served as a member of the training and development department of the Muslim American Society (MAS) for over two decades.
- He is a regular speaker in ISNA, ICNA, MSA, MAC and MAS conferences.
- He is the recipient of the Ottawa Muslim Association and Ottawa Muslim Community Circle appreciation awards for years 1993, and 1999 for his volunteer Islamic work in the National Capital region.