Welcome to Amana Publications for Books that Inspire, Books that Educate. As you browse Amana's website, you will discover many subjects of interest that you would want to read about, share and recommend to your family and friends. Amana's comprehensive list of books can be a great source of inspiration for anyone who cares about human rights, interfaith harmony and global cooperation.
Amana Publications is best known for The Meaning of The Holy Qur'an, an English translation of the Qur'an by 'Abdullah Yusuf 'Ali, a project which amana proudly yet painstakingly undertook in order to present copies of the Qur'an to the English-speaking readers at a much lesser price than the ones that were then available in North America. This noble endeavor had amana edit and simplify Yusuf Ali's English translation from old to modern English for readers of modern times. Amana also holds the unique distinction of printing the Holy Qur'an in large numbers for a wider global readership and making it available in hard and soft bound editions as well as in a convenient size of 4" x 6" including a deluxe version of the same. In addition to Yusuf Ali's translation, amana has also published The Meaning of the Glorious Qur'an, an explanatory translation in English by M. M. Pickthall, as well as a Spanish translation of the Qur'an by Shaikh Kamal Mustafa Hallak, and a Farsi translation by Ataollah Ghahremani.
With over 100 published titles, amana is recognized as a quality publisher of the Holy Qur'an beside Islamic books on a wide variety of topics that also include books for children and young adults.
Undoubtedly Amana books are ideal as a gift - to give and to receive.